Friday, August 6, 2010

The Final Product

My hope had been to grab a few pictures of this bird before he flew away.  But instead, he was determined to finish his meal; a foolish young rabbit that had not yet learned to look up before going out into the open.  This hawk happily continued eating breakfast while I snapped away and moved around to get several different views of him.  I probably spent 20 minutes and ended up with about 100 pictures, some of which were amazing closeups of his face that would normally require a telephoto lense (one view of which has been added to the drawing).  Instead, my shots were taken with just a simple pocket digital camera.

Finally, I decided to leave him in peace and soon after he flew off to a tree with the remainder of his meal (another view also shown in the drawing).  Throughout the afternoon he was visible from our house sitting in the tree, probably snoozing with a full stomach.


Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Looking at your progression of this piece now. You exhibit very precise control. Textures, lighting. Impressive.

May I know the size of this piece?

D. Hawks said...

Hi Chou,
Thanks for the comment. This illustration is 9 x 12" so that it will fit on my scanner bed.